Apologies, I have been very slack with the blog lately.
I really haven't had that much to share to be honest. Reptiles and frogs have slowed down big time here in South East Queensland and with the onset of Winter just around the corner the situation is not likely to change in the near future at least. I guess I could get out and lift some rubbish or roll some logs but I prefer not to disturb animals too much just to get a photograph. Some believe that disturbing a brumating reptile may lead to the animal not being able to settle again, which may end in respiratory or other infections and eventual death. That's just too big a risk I reckon.
Anyway I do have a couple of shots from quite a few weeks back that I didn't think were worth putting up as well a sweet little Garden Skink that was still active today in a sunny sheltered position close to my home.
I am getting an itchy camera button finger so I am thinking that in the next couple of weeks I might get out and try to hone my skill with the macro setting of the camera on some bugs and winter flowers. If I manage to get any acceptable shots I will definitely share them here.
A local Carpet Python that was still actively hunting in mid April.
A few shots from one of the Sunshine Coasts magnificent National Parks toward the end of last month. A garden of moss growing inside a fallen tree limb.
A cute n furry Koala which caused quite a stir when the general public realised what we were looking at and trying to photograph. Very ordinary shots from the track unfortunately however many of the growing crowd probably got much better shots when they trampled the undergrowth to get in under the tree to get close to, and hassle the shit of poor little bugger.
The target species of the days walk, a juvenile Frilled Lizard. Not furry but just as cute eh.
One of a heap of Butterflies that were on the move that day. Unfortunately this was the only one that stopped still long enough for me to get a quick photo. I don't know the species, I am seriously going to have to get myself some good ID books on insects and spiders.
And finally my local Garden Skink from this morning. Super cute and one of a number that were active today.
Cheers talk to you soon.