A few critters from around the house over the past couple of nights.
I thought about a drive tonight but the weather got a bit cool after the storm this arvo so I decided to stay local and to go for a walk instead.
A few different Orb Weaving spiders
A couple of geckos. The ever present Asian House Gecko.
An an almost translucent Robust Velvet Gecko
A nice, but a bit skinny looking Great Barred Frog
A Common Scaly Foot, the first one I have seen on the property. He has a much shorter re-generated tail than normal. Usually the tail of this species is around twice the length of the body.
Not much to share today, but I have a big day and night coming up next week so hopefully a few more pics to post then.
Beautiful photos. You have a fascinating blog. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos. You have a fascinating blog. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.